Monday of the Fifth Week of Easter. Reflection by Rev. Fr. Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)

Acts 14:5-18; Ps.114:1-4,15-16; John 14:21-26

It is said that pride goes before a fall. When God works signs and wonders through us we must LEARN to say ‘not to us Lord not to us, but to your name give the glory’ (cf.Ps.115:1). The people will call us the messiah, the saviour, the Apostle 1, the prophet healer, the strongest man of power… Don’t be carried away. Paul and Barnabas had a ‘free ticket’ to become ‘gods’ today. The people at Lystra were bent on calling Paul ‘Hermes’ and Barnabas ‘Zeus’. They went as far as offering sacrifices to them. But their ‘demand’ could not change the ‘supply’ of the Apostles.

Some of us would perhaps have claimed God’s glory. We would’ve bought expensive cars and private jets with God’s money. We would perhaps have begun paying deaf ears to those who come to us for help. Since we have become so important we would even have hired bodyguards to carry our ‘power Bibles’ and ‘Holy Ghost Fire Suitcases’. Then maybe we would then make sure that only wealthy people can see us, while all others get directed to the assistant pastor. Today, let us learn humility, as Paul and Barnabas taught us. Let us learn to give God His glory, for we are but instruments.


Father, I am nothing without You. But with You I am all things. I hereby banish from my life every spirit of pride and vain glory. I hereby put on the cloak of humility so that I can be all things to all men and women, Amen.

Good morning dear; God bless your week ahead…