Tuesday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time. Year II. Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
2 Peter 3: 12-15a. 17-18; Mark 12:13-17

In my seminary days, we were taught a song – New Life. This song is a beautiful reminder that God is the cause of our great joy, the fountain of all life. This theme is not far from what St Peter says in the first reading of today. Peter uses very vivid images to describe our expectation of new heavens and new earth – heavens kindled and dissolved; elements melting with fire… This will be a place where righteousness dwells. Peter, therefore, warns that we be careful not to move with ‘lawless men’, but to grow in the grace of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

The admonition above is quite providential, now that the Easter Celebrations are over and we are back to the Ninth Week of Ordinary Time Year II. In this era of New Life, we must not be like the chief priests, scribes, and elders who sent some Pharisees and Herodians to catch Jesus on the matter of tax. We must rather realize that serving God does not mean rejecting civil obligations, but learning where to draw the line between sin and righteousness. Today, let us continue to hope in the words of our psalmist, “O Lord, you have been our refuge, from generation to generation.”

Good morning dear. Have a blessed day ahead!

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