Fear was nothing compared to what Olufemi felt as he ran for his life. An angry mob wielding Sticks, Machetes and other dangerous objects pursued him, shouting in his local Yoruba dialect “Ole! Ole!!” which means “Thief! Thief!!”. Recently, perceived perpetrators of criminal acts have been publicly shamed, and often times, killed. Hence Olufemi’s panic.
As he ran, tears flowed freely down his cheeks as thoughts of his heavily pregnant wife and two hungry children flooded his mind.
Suddenly, and out of nowhere, a heavy blow hit his head. He fell facedown and passed out and later woke up in a police station.
Since Olufemi lost his driving job late last year (following the demise of his boss), his wife Kemi became the breadwinner for the family. However, she had been on a medically prescribed ‘house-arrest’ for over three months, having had a near miscarriage in her first trimester, after tripping in the bathroom. She has therefore been unable to visit her shop where she sells kitchen utensils. Consequently, the family has been living on their meager savings, augmented by Olufemi’s daily share of profit from working with his neighbor as a bus conductor. But with the lockdown occasioned by COVID-19, there was no more daily income!
The enforced restriction of movement aimed at mitigating against the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic had inadvertently erupted a ‘Hunger Virus’. Last night, they ate their last supper (as Kemi had jokingly called it), considering that she had prepared the last tuber of yam which the family ate with the remaining palm oil and ground pepper in the house.
Olufemi couldn’t sleep all night long as he wondered what his family would feed on in the coming days, especially as the lockdown was to be extended for another two weeks…
“So why did you run?” a policeman asked. His thick voice jolted Olufemi back to reality. He had drifted into deep realms of thought whilst recounting his sorry tale. He was seated on a stool in a poorly lit room, with a policeman standing in front of him. The policeman seemed concerned as he interrogated Olufemi.
“Officer, I was scared” Olufemi continued. “I had to come out to look for food for my family. My wife is pregnant Sir and I have two children. Last night we ate our last meal and I couldn’t sleep all night. Earlier today, at about 5 am, I decided to quickly come out in search of food, hoping for a miracle. I heard that market women operated in the wee hours for fear of being arrested. Officer, I was determined to beg the women for foodstuff, if that was what it took. I could not bear the thought of coming back home empty-handed. But as I turned into Mosafejo street, I came face to face with a group of vigilante youths. I was afraid and started running back home and they pursued me. Sir, I am not a thief!”
© PETER NWAOBI, June 2020.
Image Credit@PIXABAY
Wow!…absolutely creative. This amongst other experiences are what some people must have gone through this period of the pandemic. It is well
This story is a sad reality of what a lot of families go through in other to survive especially since the advent of Covid-19.
The author of the story did a great justice is putting the story out here.
Nice job!
Many thanks!
Wow,nice one.
I almost dropped a tear.
Wow!!!! This is detailed and very captivating. Well done.
I dropped a tear
I like this story. Very interesting r
Nice piece. Weldone and all the best
Touching. He had to run due to fear of being wrongly punished in place of the actual thief.
A good read.
This is a Typical reality of what is happening outside there. A lot of people have run into trouble from the fear of Unknown. This is a nice writeup.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to partake in this writing competition and for making the shortlist. I hope readers can relate with the story. While its a mere work of fiction, you’d be amazed at the number of people around you who are going through something similar or even probably-something worse. It therefore behoves on you and I to seek out such opportunities to share love and kindness, especially during these trying and sensitive times. More importantly, Keep Safe. Please feel free to drop a comment on your own experiences of how COVID-19 has impacted you or someone near you!
Wow, nice one . keep it up.
Oh my! The writing transported me – it felt like I was right there beside him. Only great writers are able to make their readers connect with the characters. Well done, Peter. And I really do hope you win this!
It is a very good and sweet story and very interesting.
Whaooooo! This got me emotional ????.
Nice story Bro ????
Interesting Peter,so creative and interesting, Keep it up
Leaves us expectant of a part two and made us feel like onlookers in the event.
Story well written and with proper description. Indeed it was captivating.
Well done DeRock!!! Hoping you win this.
Whaooo! This is an interesting write up, keep it up peter.
Wow!!Very interesting. This story really touched.
Fiction yes but I can relate to it vividly. The hardship faced by lower class Nigerians during the total lockdown cannot be over emphasized. We certainly can do better as a nation
Very good read. Mixed feelings reading this, as it brings to life the realities of tonnes of people in these uncertain times. I really did not want it to end. Is there a Part 2?
This story got me in tears. I can only imagine what was going on in Olufemi’s mind as he realized that he could die from jungle justice, wrong accusations, his pregnant wife, the kids, running for his dear life… The list goes on.
This is very creative. I hope you win this. On the other hand, when are you writing part2?? I’d love to read it.
This story got me in tears. I can only imagine what was going on in Olufemi’s mind as he realized that he could die from jungle justice, wrong accusations, his pregnant wife, the kids, running for his dear life… The list goes on.
This is very creative. I hope you win this. On the other hand, when are you writing part2?? I’d love to read it.
This is just one man loving his family and keeping them hunger-free at these times..
This is a great story.. ????
What a write up. Quite captivating. Well done Peter
Really engaging and a vivid picture of many’s reality. Welldone.
Interesting and Touching storyline, keep it up Peter
Wow…really nice, i wish i can read the continuation already…this story speaks of the reality, when d lockdown was still very much on…Weldon Peter.. Thumbs up
“So why did you run?” a policeman asked. His thick voice jolted Olufemi back to reality.
It did not begin as an inner monologue…
Yet it is one. I liked this line. It jolted me too.
I feel Olufemi is doomed because even the police are looking for handouts.
I hope he goes free. Thus pandemic is showing us shege.
I think this can be fleshed out to tell an even richer tale.
Well done, Peter.
Awesome read, this is great…kudos!
One could really commiserate with the characters. That’s an amazing feat. I feel the tenses were not in accord though. Used present tense in some places, and past tense in a sentence following it.
If that’s a norm, I wouldn’t know just an opinion.
Well done Peter.