Wednesday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary. Year II (St Charles Lwanga and Companions – Martyrs of Uganda). Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
2 Tim. 1:1-3,6-12; Mark 12:18-27
There are those who never take front rows anywhere. Never! They simply can’t. They prefer to sit behind in Church, class, concerts, etc. These are the ‘back row’ persons. The Christian must not belong to this crowd. Friends, St Paul tells us today in his second letter to St Timothy that God’s gift is not a Spirit of Timidity, but the Spirit of power, and love, and self control.
As far back as 1885, here in Africa (Uganda to be precise), as many as twenty two innocent persons, some of whom were children, were put to death because they refused to be back row Christians, because they rebuked the King for his debauchery, for murdering an Anglican missionary. They were killed for praying from a book, and for refusing to allow themselves to be ritually sodomised. They were filled with the Holy Spirit.
Let us pray for the grace to untangle ourselves from the world and live in the spirit. Amen.
Good morning dear. God bless your week ahead!
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