In a letter addressed to all Catholics and the people of Edo State, the Catholic Bishops of Benin City Archdiocese, Auchi Diocese and Uromi Diocese, have issued an urgent call on all Christ’s faithful to pray against violence in the forth coming elections in Edo State.

The Bishops also used the opportunity to call on politicians and other stake holders in the state to fight for the common good of Edo people, rather than engage in “politics of bitterness, politics of character assassination, politics of name calling, politics of the end justifies the means, politics of violence to power, politics of inducing the voters through gifts and money during election.”


…The people of Edo State do not want violence. We must acknowledge that Edo State has been on the news for some time now. We have been on the news not such because of what we have achieved, but because of political crisis. Several intra- and inter political disagreements, and some court rulings and political leadership decisions that have further heightened the tension. In all these circumstances, we must state here that the greatest losers in every political crisis are the people being governed.

We therefore, look towards all Governorship candidates and leaders of political parties in the State to provide a leadership that will lay a foundation for good politics in Edo State. The greatest good a politician can do for himself and the people is to care for their welfare. Provisions of basic necessities of life, like security, social amenities, an enabling environment for private sector driven growth is all that the people ask for. Each candidate should be telling the people of Edo State how they are going to fulfil these dreams for the people.

To our political leaders in the State, we say to you, as you continue your campaign, please ensure that the genuine concern for the welfare of the people is the reason why you are seeking political position of Governor of Edo State. It doesn’t really matter which political party is ruling, all we want is a State that is safe to live in, a State that offers opportunities for her citizens, a State that attracts both local and foreign investors, a State that is corruption free, a State where African traditional values are respected, a state that does not create a safe haven for thuggery, robbery, kidnapping, cultism etc.

We are using this forum to appeal to you all politicians in Edo State to eschew politics of bitterness, politics of character assassination, politics of name calling, politics of the end justifies the means, politics of violence to power, politics of inducing the voters through gifts and money during election. We want a politics of fairness, justice, transparency and accountability. A politics that is people driven is all we ask from you…

The destruction of the future of Edo State must not be allowed to go on. We want an election campaign that is based on issues of development.

We invite all Catholics in Edo State and in fact everyone to join us to lift Edo State to God in prayer. Let us pray for a peaceful, free and just, and violence free election.

For this intention, let us pray, One Our Father and three Hail Marys every Day, starting from 12.noon after the Angelus beginning on 15th of August and ending on 17th of September 2020.

On the 18th of September, let us pray the Divine Mercy prayer at and offer the five sorrowful mysteries with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 5pm for peaceful elections in Edo State. We encourage everyone to offer more prayers to God for Edo State. God will never abandon us…

Image Credit@PIXABAY