Friday of the Fourth Week of Easter. Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
Acts 13:26-33; John 14:1-6
The opening words of Jesus in the gospel reading of today are very comforting. I know many of us woke up this morning in distress, wondering what the day would bring. The times are hard; temptations everywhere. No security of lives and property; no money for food and fees. No jobs, no fruit of the womb, no understanding or peace in the family, no strength for prayers and sustained spirituality, and above all, COVID-19.
But Jesus says to trust God. This is awesome! Jesus wants us to be where He is. He reminds us that He has indeed prepared a place for us, so we can be sure that heaven will not run out of accommodation options. Friends, we may not know how to reorder our lives; we may be confused as to how to stand up again and carry on; we may even be unwilling to try. But Jesus says He is the way. First things first. We must purify our hearts and make a firm and sincere resolution to go God’s way.
Good morning dear. God bless your weekend ahead.