Monday of the Fourth Week of Easter. Year A. Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)

Acts 11:1-18; John 10:11-18

There are times when we don’t understand God’s ways. Look at Peter today. Even when God told him to kill and eat, he somehow thought that God was trying to test him. How could God ask him to eat something unclean? Peter didn’t quite understand why God would extend the Baptism of the Holy Spirit to pagans, but he knew better than to stand in God’s way. So he let God’s will be done.

Friends, God’s message of repentance is for everyone who’s receptive to Him. Jesus the good Shepherd is not a hired hand. He does not abandon the sheep in times of trials and tribulations. He is the gate to salvation. As many as enter through Him will be saved. When we do not understand God’s will, we must pray for direction. May we never become thieves and brigands; those who attempt to hijack God’s plans. May we never stand in His way, and may we have sufficient faith to let go and let God, Amen!

Good morning dear. God bless your week ahead.

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