Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter. Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
Acts 12:24-13:5; John 12:44-50
Have you ever tried asking a student who failed an exam, to tell you his/her score? You’ll hear something like, “Oh, don’t mind the teacher o. He gave me 49%. Can you just imagine?” What about someone who passed gracefully? “Oh, come on, I had 75%,” he/she would say. So when we fail, it’s the teacher’s fault. And when we pass, it’s our efforts, right? How convenient!
Friends, we often tend to reason the same way with God. When we do something evil, and something bad happens, we are quick to say “Oh God is punishing me now for my sins!” When we have been at our best and something good happens, we say “Oh, I’ve been a good person na, why not?” This is not how it works. Jesus says to us that he hasn’t come to condemn but to save us. God does not immediately judge or condemn us on account of our failings. But when we continue to reject and refuse His words, we bring judgement, condemnation and punishment on ourselves. Lord have mercy!
Good morning dear. God bless your day ahead…