Saturday of the Fifth Week of Easter. Reflection by Rev. Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)

Acts 16:1-10; Ps.100:1-3,5; John 15:18-21

Today, Christians are being persecuted all over the world. In the middle East, the persecution of Christians is most fierce. Many Churches have been bombed. Priests and pastors of souls have been summarily executed. Ordinary women and children are killed at random; pregnant women shot in the stomach, and children shot in the limbs… Here in Nigeria, Boko Haram has continued threatening Christians and Muslims alike, and many have lost their lives to the insurgency. Even some of our Chibok and Dapchi girls are still missing. Leah is yet to return to us…

Sometimes this situation can be utterly paralysing. After all, nobody wants to die. But Jesus wasn’t spared himself. How then do we think we would? The world hates us because we bear His name. That’s our only ‘crime’. What then must we do? We cannot be deterred. We cannot afford to be paralysed by fear. We must continue to seek out the ‘Macedonians’ of our world (cf. Acts.16:9-10); the blind, the lame, the confused, the political tyrants, the prostitutes, the morally depraved, the jihadists… Don’t worry. Jesus again assures us that they will keep our word because despite the persecution, they kept His (cf.Jn.15:20).

Dearest Father, I thank You for the many times I have been insulted, oppressed and hated on account of Your name. May my passion for Your word never die. May I always continue to speak Your word with boldness, that all may come to know that there is no God but You, Amen.

Good morning dear; God bless your weekend.

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