Today I visited one of our outstations at St Gregory the Great, Eguare-Oria.

As a kid I recall that I always heard about ‘Oria’ and ‘farming’ in the same sentence.

It was said that those who were truly serious about farming had vast farm lands in Oria.

It’s true.

Though farming today in Oria isn’t what it used to be; though many of the young people have left for ‘greener pastures’, the older folks still take farming quite seriously. Their resilience and diligence are second to none.

It’s not my first time in Oria. I had visited as a resident priest in the past.

Today, I had the privilege of administering the sacraments of reconciliation and Holy Mass.

Our parishioners here are as committed to the things of God as they are about work. God bless them.

Indeed, great things happen when God mixes with men.

© Oselumhense Anetor, 2021.