“This sounds like a love song…” a friend said to me, when she first heard the draft of “I’ll be there.” I couldn’t agree less. It is indeed a love song; from God to you and me. More about this inspiring song in a bit.

Sometime last year, the last week of October 2019, to be precise, I traveled to Orlu town, in the Catholic Diocese of Orlu, Eastern Nigeria, to see a highly talented friend, Rev Fr JohnBosco Obika.

I first met Fr Obika two years back in 2018 at the Priests’ Got Talent show hosted in the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja, under the auspices of WowCatholic – brainchild of the dynamic Rev Fr Oluoma.

Fr Obika is a great gift to the Catholic Church in Nigeria. I’ve had the privilege to work with him on a few occasions, and I know God is using him in amazing ways to touch many souls.

The Gospel Single, “I’ll be there”, is simply one testimony of the numerous songs this priest has done. At the initial stages of the project, we didn’t really know where the Holy Spirit will lead us. But as we worked in the studio and played around with some ideas, “I’ll be there” was born”.

We were awestruck by the message God sent to us through this song. We hope it blesses you as much as it blessed us. And yes, you may be broken and weak sometimes, but don’t forget that God is ALWAYS by your side!

Happy Sunday!


© Oselumhense Anetor, 2020.