Monday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time. Year II. Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)

2 Kings 17:5-8,13-15,18; Matt. 7:1-5

Today, the Lord Jesus Christ makes it abundantly clear to us that no one is free of guilt. Hence, he decries the tendency we have most times to judge others, while we are no better ourselves. Friends, we must understand the nuances of this passage. Jesus is not saying we cannot raise alarm over wrong doing, or speak out against evil for the common good. What He says rather, is that we cannot condemn persons for such wrongdoings, while assuming the posture of a perfectionist, with little or no efforts to work on our own weaknesses.

Very often, we run into the mistake of judging others, as though we had the capacity to see through their souls. Only God knows our every weakness. This is why Jesus does not teach that we should condemn the sinner outright, no matter the sins committed. It is not God’s way. We must first try to speak to the conscience of the sinner, making him/her realise that there’s always hope for one who decides to make a U-turn. But the sinner who refuses to repent, in spite of the abundant mercies of God, already stands condemned!

Good morning dear. God bless your week ahead.

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