Thursday of the Seventh Week of Easter. Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
Acts 22:30,23:6-11; John 17:20-26
We should pray to God for wisdom; the kind that Paul used when he was on trial in the first reading of today. With a simple true statement, Paul brought confusion and division to the chief priests and the Council of Pharisees and Sadducces, and instead of continuing with his trial, they began arguing with themselves.
Friends, take courage! Just as Paul’s enemies were confused and divided, so shall yours be. Leave the current pressures and temptations you face to God alone, who’s capable of doing exceedingly more than we can ever ask of him. Our focus is to stick together and work together to move God’s kingdom forward, just as Jesus prayed.
Lord, that I may truly not be perturbed by the attempts of the enemy to frustrate me. That I may surrender everything to you, knowing that you are always in charge of my affairs, Amen.
Good morning dear. God bless your day ahead.
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