Thursday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time. Year II. Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
Eccl. 48:1-15; Matt. 6:7-15
Going through the first reading, we’re fired up. It’s an Ode to prophet Elijah, who arose like a fire, with his word flaring like a torch. When I was a child I kept hearing the song, “where are the prophets?” Today, I’m moved in my soul to ask the same question. Where are the prophets? Even in death, Elijah’s body prophesied.
Friends, Elijah did not become a fearless prophet from the blues. He believed and trusted God, above everything else. How else could he have shut the heavens, and brought famine on the people just by his word? We therefore must be people of prayer. Today, Jesus teaches us how to pray. It’s not by saying many irrelevant words, it’s by giving due glory and worship to God, submitting to his will, trusting him to provide all our needs, relying on his mercy, and trusting in his protection.
Good morning dear, God bless your day ahead!
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