Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Year A. Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)

Deut.7:6-11; John 4:7- 16; Matthew 11:25-30

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was highly encouraged by mediaeval mystics; and particularly promoted by St Gertrude, St Margaret Mary Alacoque, St John Eudes and many others. This devotion is to Jesus in his human nature, since the heart is seen as the seat of the emotions. Why does it hurt so much when we’re heart broken? It’s because that part of our humanity is capable of the most love. Yes! Love makes us vulnerable, and one who loves most dearly is most likely to feel the most pain when hurt. But this shouldn’t stop us from loving.

Friends, in the book of Deuteronomy, we understand first hand, the kind of love that God has for his people. The Lord God chose Israel for his own possession out of love, and for the oath he swore to their fathers. He would never abandon his flock; he would gently guide them, watch over them, and protect them. Jesus himself expressed this love of God when he died for us while we were still sinners. By that singular action, he showed us that love must be shown even to the least deserving. Jesus knows that loving can be genuinely difficult, so he tells us to learn from him; he tells us to come to him when we’re tired and frustrated.

Ahead of today’s celebration, the Holy Father, Pope Francis said, “I invite you to discover the riches that are hidden in the Heart of Jesus, to learn to love your neighbor.” We are so privileged that the Lord is our Shepherd. We shall never want. Hearts that are broken and cold must come back to Jesus. He knows just how to fix them!

Good morning dear. God bless your weekend ahead.