Friday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary. Year II (St Boniface, Bishop & Martyr). Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)

2 Tim. 3:10-17; Ps.119; Mark 12:35-37

Today’s first reading has so many themes. Paul continues to address Timothy, who by now, knows that being a disciple of Jesus isn’t a joke. The opening words are words on Marble: “Beloved: You have observed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness, my persecutions, my sufferings…” From Paul, Timothy had learned first hand, that persecutions will come, but also, that God knows how to deliver his friends.

This brings St Boniface to mind. Even at forty, he decided to take the good news to Germany. He was so successful that he became Bishop of Mainz, founding and restoring dioceses in Bavaria, Thuringia and Franconia. At seventy, he still couldn’t abandon his mission to care and look out for others. He set out again to Friesland (part of modern day Holland) where he was martyred. We must draw examples from Paul and Boniface. The peace that God promises the righteous is not the kind that the world gives.

Good morning dear. God bless your day ahead. St Boniface, pray for us!

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