Tuesday of the Sixth Week of Easter. Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)

Acts 16:22-34; John 16:5-11

One of the channels I’ve missed most on Dstv is “One Gospel”. That channel provided such a ‘praise’ background to my daily activities that I felt a bit empty when they stopped airing. Thank God we have “Trace Gospel” now. Nothing compares to praising God in all situations. Paul and Silas, who had already experienced the ‘joy’ of being called gods, were today thrashed mercilessly and thrown in prison. They could have complained and whined about their situation, but they chose PRAISE, while the other prisoners listened.

Friends, when God’s Holy Spirit moved, not only the chains of Paul and Silas felt the impact. Scripture says that all the doors flew open, and the chains fell from all the prisoners, while an earthquake shook the prison to its foundations. This singular experience made the gaoler and his family Christians. So it doesn’t matter the difficulty we may currently face. What matters is believing that Jesus has already sent us the Holy Spirit. Let’s lift up our voices therefore and praise God with all our might, as this is the greatest assurance we can ever hope for.

Good morning dear. God bless your day ahead.

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