Admin’s Note: I recently came across a Facebook Post by Rev Fr Kelvin Ugwu, MSP. I do not want to preempt him. Being a priest of Igbo origin, he’s better able to put his experience into words. It beats me that some Igbos (even religious ones) fail to let their love for God and his Church prevail whenever and wherever the OSU caste system is mentioned.

For those who do not know, “The Osu caste system is an ancient practice in Igboland that discourages social interaction and marriage with a group of persons called Osu (outcast). Osus are dedicated to the deities (Alusi) of Igboland; they are considered inferior beings and are usually separated from the Nwadiala or diala (real born)…

See excerpts:

By Rev Fr Kelvin Ugwu

Fr Kelvin Ugwu and Baby Chidiomimi

The pretty baby in the picture represents so many things to me. She represents the fact that our advocacy and what we preach here…is not a waste of time.

I woke up with this emotional feeling that words can’t describe. I remember how I was fighting so hard for this baby to be kept alive when she was still in the womb. I never knew she will be this beautiful.

In 2018, I championed an online campaign against the evil caste system in Igbo land known as OSU. Some of you still remember the #EndOsu campaign. This baby is the testimony to that campaign and why that evil practice must not be heard amongst us.

Baby Chidiomimi and Mom

The mother to this pretty baby got engaged to a man who even paid her bride price. Following the custom, everybody considered her married, and able to live in her husband’s house. While she was in the man’s house, she took in, and became pregnant. They then started making arrangements for church wedding. So they fixed the date for the wedding and even printed their invitation cards, when stories started flying around that the lady is an OSU.

The family felt it was a taboo for them to have anything to do with an Osu. The problem became complicated knowing that the girl was already pregnant. Then another story came out that a certain pastor saw a vision that the pregnancy does not belong to the man. No one bothered to listen to the girl, after all she was an OSU…

Friends, that was how the man called off the wedding and told her that he no longer has anything to do with her or the baby in her womb. She was thrown out of the house. If I did not know her and the family, I would have thought it was just one of those Nollywood movies.

Long story made short, she chatted me up. And from here in Malawi, I begged her to keep the baby even though she wasn’t willing to bear the shame. Besides, she had nothing. It took a lot of persuasion. It was a risk even on my side. She reluctantly accepted…

She gave birth to the baby on the 23rd of May 2019. She named her Chidiomimi (God is mystery)… The man and his people…rejected the baby… I promised to take care of the baby and by God’s Grace and your help I will do so, even though I am in far away Malawi.

I decided that I will open an account for Chidiomimi after her birthday which will be strictly used for her education. I am requesting that if you can, please support me in anyway your heart desires. It will really go a long way.

I will leave my account details. I feel awkward doing this… But, I hope you understand. I promise that any penny you give will go straight to her education. And I will give you details as things unfold. Thanks so much. God bless you!

Ugwu kelvin
Access bank

Nota Bene: Friends, please let’s make this happen. We cannot let some people feel that they can do whatever they please even in this century. No one is CAST AWAY. Not even baby CHIDIOMIMI.