Monday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time. Year II. Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)

1 Kings 17:1-6; Matthew 5:1-12

So many years ago I had a Rector in the major seminary; someone who taught me how to be REAL. He would always say “Kevin, be happy! Don’t let anyone or anything take away your ability and capacity to be happy.” However, to be truly happy, I needed to learn dispositions that are compatible with happiness. Today, Jesus gives us a sermon on those who should truly be happy; the poor in spirit, the gentle, those who mourn, those who hunger and thirst for justice, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peace makers, and the persecuted.

Friends, this is an unlikely list. But Jesus sees happiness from a deeper level; more like contentment. So rather than talk about the ‘feeling’ called happiness, Jesus moves ahead to consider ‘the reason’ that should bring happiness. The poor in spirit because they have ‘God’s Kingdom’, the gentle, ‘because they have the earth for their heritage… Friends, rather than wait for the feeling called happiness, we should rather look forward to the reasons for which we can and should be happy and start being happy. It’s all about HOPE. Gbam!

Good day dear, God bless your weekend ahead…

Image Credit@PIXABAY