Chapter Nine

Senator Yuri stared at the twenty-five paged document yet again. He was not known for much patience. Though not a handsome man by any stretch of the imagination, his mien bespoke one who had made it in life. His wealth made up for what he lacked in looks. There was nothing ordinary about him or his surroundings. Everything screamed the brand that the man had become – style, class, and extravagance. The Agbada he wore had a uniqueness that seemed to give it its own personality. The matching cap of the material was off his head, sitting dutifully on a pile of paper work. His eyes raced across the paper with the kind of deftness that comes from years of dutiful experience. His face creased into many expressions, dominant amongst which was the determination to get the matter before him done at any cost. Somewhere in the corner of his large office, located at the top floor of Alexis Domus, in Alexis Lane, Victoria Island, Lagos, air conditioners hummed peacefully, giving the atmosphere a temperature that was a sharp contrast to the scorching heat outside.

Yuri rolled his ball point pen round the fingers of his right hand, trying to figure out how to come up with another contractor that could rival what Ivy had to offer. His fiftieth birthday anniversary was in another three weeks, and he had the responsibility of ensuring that the high and mighty of society who were coming to grace the occasion were well catered for. He needed nothing less than fifty disease-free young ladies, from ages twenty to twenty five at that occasion. He had received proposals from many of his friends, but there was none he trusted more than Ivy. On the night they had agreed to seal off the deal, the young lady had refused to show up. It was many hours later that he was informed she was involved in an accident. He couldn’t imagine how that could have happened. Ivy was a Lagos Big Girl. Why would she be walking across the road in the wee hours of the morning? What had happened to her car? He had called once and stopped when he didn’t get any response. He was not a desperate man. But after many days, he was ready to try again. He rolled his arm chair around a bit and reached for the phone on his table.

“Cos my papa nor be Dangote, or Adeleke, but we go dey okay…” Ivy raised Bisola’s phone to her ears. Hers had been destroyed in the crash. Thanks to Kemi, they had been able to salvage her sim cards from what used to be her iPhone. Now she had to rely on Bisola’s graciousness. When she saw who the caller was, she almost fell off the bed. “Hello Senator Yuri.”
“Hello Ivy.”
The voice at the other end was a deep baritone.
“It has proven most difficult to reach you.”
Ivy immediately switched to her business voice. “Oh Senator Yuri, I’ve been completely knocked out. I nearly lost my life. You know I would never miss an appointment.”
“When can we see?”
“It’s been nearly two weeks and I’m still under close medical monitoring, Senator. Would you want to come to the hospital?”
There was silence at the other end for a while. “I can’t be seen in any hospital Ivy. You know that.”
“I understand Senator. Can I send someone instead? She’s my business assistant. And she’s very well aware of all our arrangements.”
“Alright then. Tell her to meet me at 10:00am, here at Alexis.”
“Thanks a lot Senator.”
“Always a pleasure Ivy.”
Ivy was in a dilemma. She had no business assistant, and she certainly couldn’t use Bisola for a contract of this nature.

Kemi left Kilnex Assortments in a daze. What had she done wrong? She hadn’t even said anything to merit such an outburst from Mangodo. Why was he being such a baby? She could feel her own anger rising as she made her way back to the hospital.
“Haba, look where you dey go madam,” a man shouted over his shoulders.
Kemi mouthed a quick apology. She had nearly bumped into one of the gardeners. She got out of the place and was about crossing the road when she saw Mangodo on the other side. Had he forgotten something at Kilnex?
She looked left and right, then left again, and crossed over to Mangodo. “Did you forget something? You were so much in a hurry to leave.”
“Kemi I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I don’t know what came over me. Honestly, I have no idea why I reacted the way I did.”
Kemi wasn’t upset. There was no point. She knew Mangodo was passing through some unresolved issues. That made two of them. “I won’t forgive you. What you did back there was so ungentlemanly of you.”
“Yes I know. See, I couldn’t just leave like that. I’ve been waiting here for you. What can I do to make it up to you?”
Kemi smiled. “Let’s go on another date this evening.”
“Wow!” Mangodo was thrilled. He hadn’t thought the apology would be so easy to pull off. “I can do that. So where are we going?”
“St Martin Catholic Church. Trust me, it’s not very far from here. You’ll follow me to benediction.”
“Church?” Something died inside Mangodo. “What in heaven’s name is benediction?”

To be continued…

© Oselumhense Anetor, 2019.

Image Credit@PIXABAY