Today, I visited St Thomas’ zone.

These zones are basic Christian communities, with the aim of bringing Church closer to the people.

The zones help our parishioners connect more with one another, since smaller groups mean closer interaction.

At Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Ahia and Udakpa, we have four of these zones: St Thomas, St Mathias, St Charles and St Agnes.

Usually, one family hosts the zone each week. We gather at the house of the host family, pray the rosary, then go visiting parishioners that are close by.

Most of us in Uromi Diocese learnt this method from Fr Francis Omonlumhen, who in turn learnt it from Fr Cosmas Ojemen. God bless them.

The joy in the faces of the children as we clapped and sang along the road was the height of inspiration for me this evening.

Each time we clap around the communities in this manner, people come out of their houses and watch us keenly as we go by.

Some who aren’t even Catholics would sometimes go along with us and join us for Mass at the end of our visitation.

Many have been brought back to Christ this way.

How are the zones faring in your area?

God bless us all, and God bless the zonal system.

© Oselumhense Anetor, 2021.