Last Sunday, on my way back from one of my outstations, I saw loads of cocoyams being loaded into bags for their onward transmission to Lagos and environs.

This was happening directly opposite our Church. Not even in Ugbi’yokho did I see that many Taro Plants at once. Phew!

Did I mention that Iyokho plants are everywhere in Ahia and Udakpa? Well, I just did.

I did some research and discovered that the Taro roots are highly sought after. As a result, the prices have soared.

It’s not surprising therefore that buyers come from as far as Lagos State to get Iyokho roots from here.

What do you think?

Maybe we can start a proper Ugbi’yokho here ehn? After all it doesn’t take more than six months from planting to harvesting.

Apart from the direct economic advantages of cocoyams, I hear that the plant is capable of preventing cancer, since it has high levels of Vitamins A, and C, and other phenolic antioxidants which help boost immunity.

Again, it’s been said that cocoyams can be used in the control of Rheumatoid Arthritis because of the presence of vitamin B6 in the roots.

What about Blood Pressure and Heart Health? Cocoyams contain significant amounts of potassium and other essential minerals which enable healthy fluid transfers between membranes and tissues all over the body.

I know you’ve heard that Taro roots are good for the management of Diabetes since its fiber can help regulate insulin and glucose in the body…

We can go on and on but I have to stop here. I’ve had a hectic day.

What do you think?

Should we consider the Ugbi’yokho idea?

© Oselumhense Anetor, 2021.