Oselumhense Anetor, May 1, 2020.

In a phone interview with the Daily Sun in Abuja, the leader of the Kidnappers that raided the Good Shepherd Major Seminary in Kaduna, has confessed that he killed Seminarian Michael Nnadi because he wouldn’t stop preaching about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Late Bro Michael Nnadi

The gang leader Mustapha Mohammed also confessed to taking 10 Million Naira as Ransom and 30,000 naira worth of airtime from the Seminary authorities. Sunnewsonline reports that Mustapha hated that the Seminarian was asking him to repent even though he knew that were not of the same faith. He wanted to teach the late seminarian a lesson for being that bold.

On why they chose to attack the house of God, Mustapha said they knew there was money in the seminary, and that was why they went there. He revealed that one of their gang member who is a commercial motorcyclist had given them the needed information with which they invaded the premises, since he lived close by.

During the course of the interview, the 26-year-old Fulani suspect said he was part of a 45-man kidnap gang that had been terrorising motorists along the Abuja-Kaduna expressway and the Kaduna-Jos road, among other routes and bush roads in the north.

On Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2020, four seminarians, namely, Pius Kanwai, 19; Peter Umenukor, 23; Stephen Amos, 23; and Michael Nnadi, 18, were abducted in a 30-minute operation that saw the kidnappers, dressed in military uniform and armed with guns, force their way into Good Shepherd Catholic Major Seminary Campus, which is home to 268 seminarians.

But while others were released, news filtered in on the first day of February 2020, that Seminarian Michael Nnadi had been murdered in captivity. His death had sparked outrage all over the country. At his funeral, the Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Most Rev Matthew Kukah decried the rising spate of insecurity in the nation.

He however calmed the anger of many Christians saying “Christianity parts ways with other Religions when it comes to what to do with the enemy. Here, we must admit, Christianity stands alone. This is the challenge for us as Christians. Others believe in an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, or that one can take either blood money or make some form of reparation one way or the other. However, for us Christians, Jesus stands right in the middle with a message that is the opposite of all that is sensible to us as human beings. Put back your sword (Mt. 26: 52). Turn the other cheek (Mt. 5:38). Pray for your enemy (Mt. 5: 44). Give the thief your cloak (Lk. 6:29).”

We continue to pray for our Police Force as they go about their duty of restoring peace and arresting offenders. God bless them for their good work.

May God forgive Michael’s murderers and give them the opportunity to turn new leafs, and may the soul of Michael Nnadi and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

Michael Nnadi was not afraid to preach Christ even in the face of death. May God grant us similar courage. Amen.

As at the time of this report, the kidnappers are still in police custody.