Monday of the Sixth Week of Easter. Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
Acts 16:11-15; John 15:26-16:4
In the life of Lydia, we see the example of a woman who knew what it meant to be a witness; breaking traditional boundaries of human behaviour, towards accepting and internalising the gospel message that accommodates and accepts others. Lydia led her household to God in today’s first reading, making sure they were all baptised. She even invited the Apostles to come stay in her house, taking no refusal.
This kind of disposition can only come to be through the action of the Holy Spirit. Like the Apostles who stayed true to the gospel even in the face of persecution, Jesus reminds us to be firm and resolute as well. As we gradually prepare for the coming of the counselor; the advocate who leads us to all truth, we must realize that nothing should shake our faith – not coronavirus, not hunger, not the rising spate of insecurity of lives and property.
Can I get a witness?
Good morning dear. God bless your day ahead!
Image Credit @PIXABAY