@DrOlufunmilayo took to his twitter account to reveal that three patients tested positive for Coronavirus and one of them has died in University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Edo State.

The patients had been admitted into the Accident and Emergency Unit after complaints of cough, catarrh and breathing difficulties.

When they were asked if they had just returned or being in contact with anyone who had just returned from a high risk country they denied.

Initially, a test was carried out on all three patients which came back negative. Following this development, the patients were transferred to the open ward where they came in contact with health care practitioners but when one of the patients began to detoriate and develop kidney problems, another test was repeated 72 hours later which came back positive.

This prompted 25 doctors—of which thirteen just graduated from medical school—to go into isolation in the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Edo State.

@DrOlufunmilayo further lamented that Nigerian patients are clearly out to kill health workers following the insensitivity and denial of travel history during this pandemic and defaulters should be treated as felons.