Residents protesting.

As the Nation battles with a steady increase in the number of COVID-19 positive patients, things seem to be getting out of hand in KWADON, LGA, GOMBE STATE.

TVC reporter Lanre Adeyemi, reports that as at May 6, 2020, confirmed patients of the dreaded coronavirus took to the streets to protest against the government, for abandoning them to their fate.


In the TVC OFFICIAL VIDEO above, some of the patients complained bitterly that since they had been quarantined in the KWADON official center, they had not seen any doctor, neither were they given any medication.

Lanre went further to add that as at the time of the report, there was no State Task Force official on ground, neither were they medical personnel to either support or refute the allegations.

Twenty four hours later, TVC News again reported that the State Task force Team had gone into action, following the protest of the COVID-19 patients. They assured TVC reporter Lanre Adeyemi that normalcy would return to the area.

See video

One wonders why it took a protest before confirmed COVID-19 patients were taken seriously. What about the many hitherto persons who protested alongside the positive patients?

As at the time of this report, there is no indication as to whether or not these persons have been subjected to mass screening.

With the way things are going in the Nation, one hopes that the situation does not escalate beyond measure.

As at May 7, 2020, over three thousands persons had been infected with the dreaded coronavirus in Nigeria, while over a hundred had died.